2nd Schedule of Document Verification of candidature and Medical-Test from 07-07-2019 to 19-07-2019

Date and time of document verification: 07-07-2019
Under CEN 01/2018 (Assistant Loco Pilot and Technicians)
Near Railway Hospital, Subedarganj, Prayag Raj-211011.

Date and time of document verification: 07-07-2019 at 8.30 AM

Notification For 2nd Schedule of Document Verification of candidature and Medical-Test from 07-07-2019 to 19-07-2019

441012079610153 441012079610183 441012079730155 441012079760101 441012079800154 441012080170425 441012080430100 441012080430141 441012080431734 441012080441142 441012084330015 441012084330042 441012085480042 441012085690063 441012087650202 441012087650311 441012089920060 441012089920135 441012089930070 441012089950012 441012089950024 441012090400041 441012091200190 441012092520202 441012092520213 441012092550041 441012094790186 441012095000096 441012096290273 441012096400038 441012096690036 441012113380100 441013001220198 441013004430029 441013004430644 441013004510042 441013004920040 441013005470047 441013040420007 441013066870122 441013077950058 441013079410195 441013079420141 441013079480024 441013079490028 441013079570158 441013080170161 441013080431753 441013082130167 441013084330037 441013085690157 441013085910037 441013085910160 441013086110070 441013086940233 441013087650141 441013087650297 441013088170059 441013088310070 441013090520010

Date and time of document verification: 07-07-2019 at 01.00 PM

How to Apply to 2nd Schedule of Document Verification of candidature and Medical-Test from 07-07-2019 to 19-07-2019

441013090520040 441013092520024 441013092520046 441013092550031 441013092550092 441013093980001 441013095060066 441013096290174 441013096400073 441013096970121 441014001220004 441014003480065 441014004430147 441014004510070 441014004510124 441014004510233 441014004920026 441014066870117 441014077950057 441014079390064 441014079390375 441014079400041 441014079410195 441014079410670 441014079450092 441014079490049 441014079520008 441014079520215 441014079550013 441014079760063 441014080431315 441014080441332 441014082120175 441014085480297 441014085480403 441014086940047 441014086940143 441014086940397 441014087650062 441014088170085 441014090400223 441014092520047 441014092550023 441014092550205 441014093980130 441014096290029 441014096290101 441014096400084 441014096400086 441014096950021 441014113380040 441014113380064 441015004430068 441015004430291 441015018520004 441015077950142 441015079390154 441015079400045 441015079410050 441015079550163

Date and time of document verification: 08-07-2019 at 8.30 AM

Vacancy Notification 2nd Schedule of Document Verification of candidature and Medical-Test from 07-07-2019 to 19-07-2019

441015079730046 441015079760164 441015079760194 441015079800173 441015080170428 441015080430206 441015080430783 441015080590170 441015082130237 441015085910058 441015085910089 441015086110010 441015086940834 441015087650236 441015088170439 441015089920148 441015089950001 441015090400053 441015090400174 441015090440050 441015090440071 441015090520022 441015091200004 441015091200018 441015092520017 441015092520063 441015093130109 441015095190027 441015095190074 441015095190135 441015096290001 441015096290142 441015096290162 441015096400169 441015096800007 441015096950018 441016001220142 441016001380019 441016004430357 441016013480088 441016013480141 441016079410041 441016079420090 441016079420133 441016079460043 441016079490081 441016079550031 441016079550086 441016079570051 441016079730093 441016079800115 441016080170096 441016080170158 441016080430100 441016080430186 441016080430194 441016080430372 441016080430441 441016085480025 441016085910164

Date and time of document verification: 08-07-2019 at 01.00 PM

441016085910219 441016085910220 441016086940480 441016086990026 441016087650153 441016088310016 441016089920131 441016089950005 441016091200045 441016092550009 441`016092550018 441016092550027 441016092550065 441016095000013 441016096400067 441016096690060 441016096950252 441016096970159 441017003480037 441017004920034 441017004920048 441017004920084 441017004920102 441017005080003 441017018520021 441017022190044 441017049120179 441017066870039 441017077950141 441017079400030 441017079410059 441017079410404 441017079410826 441017079450088 441017079490022 441017079760109 441017080170332 441017080430406 441017082130036 441017082130044 441017085690050 441017085910080 441017086110117 441017086110182 441017086940071 441017086940897 441017088170074 441017089920106 441017090520008 441017091200027 441017091200364 441017092520037 441017092520039 441017092520061 441017092520205 441017092520259 441017092550039 441017093980023 441017095000037 441017096150024

Date and time of document verification: 09-07-2019 at 8.30 AM

441017096330198 441017096400021 441017096400060 441017096800038 441017096970089 441017096970239 441018001380090 441018004430154 441018004430268 441018004430536 441018004920067 441018004920127 441018005080002 441018005080029 441018005080127 441018005080142 441018005080155 441018018520047 441018022200109 441018049120018 441018079400110 441018079410119 441018079430028 441018079430136 441018079460016 441018079460110 441018079490153 441018079490193 441018079520012 441018079550162 441018079610059 441018079800056 441018080430361 441018080430375 441018080430666 441018080430727 441018080431055 441018080440906 441018082130041 441018085480154 441018085910180 441018086940092 441018086940339 441018086940716 441018087650047 441018087650366 441018088170120 441018089930013 441018089950118 441018090400029 441018091200019 441018091200218 441018091200240 441018092520279 441018093130040 441018095000035 441018095000071 441018096270022 441018096400047 441018096960080

Date and time of document verification: 09-07-2019 at 01.00 PM

441018096970009 441019001220090 441019001380017 441019004920019 441019013480209 441019040420079 441019049120005 441019049120020 441019077950082 441019079390340 441019079400009 441019079400238 441019079430006 441019079430236 441019079470012 441019079520221 441019079730318 441019079800073 441019080170017 441019080430081 441019080430230 441019080430240 441019082120108 441019084330477 441019085480124 441019085690232 441019086110021 441019086940053 441019086940085 441019086940308 441019086940840 441019086940850 441019088170238 441019088170394 441019089920315 441019090400086 441019090400099 441019090520154 441019091200021 441019091200298 441019092520061 441019092550210 441019093980016 441019096400073 441019096400112 441019096690077 441019096950038 441019096960027 441019096970152 441020001220045 441020001380106 441020004430273 441020004430592 441020022200013 441020040420088 441020049120075 441020066870006 441020077950131 441020079400053 441020079460518

Date and time of document verification: 10-07-2019 at 8.30 AM

441020079480021 441020079500021 441020079520169 441020079570054 441020079570077 441020079570183 441020079760059 441020079800231 441020080170055 441020080170115 441020080170205 441020080590018 441020080590077 441020082120252 441020082130196 441020085910124 441020086110041 441020086110062 441020086940028 441020086940147 441020086940769 441020089920041 441020089920284 441020089930061 441020090400222 441020090520020 441020092520007 441020092520037 441020095000131 441020096290001 441020096950026 441020096950192 441020096970077 441021004510241 441021005080211 441021013480025 441021013480075 441021040420039 441021079410430 441021079480215
441021079490103 441021079500016 441021079520054 441021079610067 441021080170151 441021080170376 441021080430550 441021082120166 441021082130332 441021085480052 441021085690022 441021086940067 441021086940262 441021086940769 441021086990034 441021087650063 441021088170099 441021088170167 441021093980024 441021095000185

Date and time of document verification: 10-07-2019 at 01.00 PM

441021096290067 441021096290258 441021096690015 441021096960065 441021096970018 441021113380041 441022001380131 441022004430535 441022004510027 441022004920024 441022005470014 441022049120115 441022077950072 441022079430016 441022079470054 441022079730190 441022079760054 441022080170226 441022080170262 441022080170626 441022080430533 441022080431296 441022080441169 441022082130071 441022085690062 441022086110084 441022086940676 441022087650040 441022089950049 441022089950141 441022092520008 441022092520126 441022092550126 441022095190166 441022096150013 441022096150070 441022096270001 441022096290051 441022096400061 441022096400187 441022096530009 441022113380248 441023001220025 441023001220115 441023001380007 441023003480027 441023003480107 441023004510092 441023040420008 441023040420016 441023049120052 441023077950126 441023079400016 441023079410751 441023079420024 441023079430154 441023079480054 441023079760248 441023080170112 441023080170688


  • Please bring the e-call letter for document verification which can be downloaded from official website of RRB Allahabad (www.rrbald.gov.in) through link available and the same should be produced at entry of Venue of DV. Candidates are advised to read the list of documents (Original) given in the e-call letter (back side/2nd page) which are required to be produced at the time of DV. Candidates are advised to bring one original valid & current photo ID proof which was presented at the time of CBTs. Venue of DV is Shambhunath Institute of Engineering & Technology (SIET), Education Block, Jhalwa, Prayag Raj (Allahabad).
  • Candidates are required to produce all original documents along with two sets of self-attested photo copies of all documents at the time of DV. The details of documents are given in e-call letter for document verification. Where certificates are not in English / Hindi, self attested translated version (In Hindi / English) should be produced wherever/whenever required. Certificates produced during the DV should be strictly in the prescribed formats. No additional time will be given to the candidates not producing their original certificates on their date of DV and the candidature of such candidates is liable to be forfeited/cancelled.
  • Candidates are advised to bring six (6) passport size colour photographs NOT MORE THAN ONE MONTH OLD, which will be required for DV and Medical Examination. Candidates will also bring Candidate’s foil of e-call letter for CBT1, CBT2 & CBAT 10-05-2016 and/or 21-05-2019 wherever applicable. Mobile phones are not permitted during document verification (DV) as well as during Medical examination.
  • The Candidates need to attend Medical Test (Examination) after Document Verification duly paying Rs.24/- towards medical examination fee at venue of DV. The date & place of Medical Examination will be intimated at the time of DV. The Admit card for Medical Test (Examination) will be issued at the time of DV. Candidates are advised that that they should be prepared to stay for more than 4 days for DV/Medical examination at their own cost.
  • Candidates are advised that they should not bring their belongings to the Railway Hospitals as there is no facility available to keep them. They will carry only Admit card for Medical Test (Examination) and one original valid & current Photo ID proof. For medical examination, no fees will be charged at the Hospital. Hence candidates are also advised not to carry cash with them at the time of Medical Examination.
  • Important: Beware of the touts who may misguide the candidates with false promises of getting them selected for the job on illegal consideration. The recruitment process in the RRB exams is fully computerised and the selection is based purely on the merit of candidates. 7.0 3rd Schedule of Document Verification & Genuineness of candidature (DV) and Medical Test (Examination) will be issued shortly. Hence, Candidates are advised to regularly visit RRB’s official website (www.rrbald.gov.in) for the updates.

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