railway recruitment 2020
Notice No.RRC-ER/Act Apprentices/2019-20
(i) Date of publication of notification on website: 27/01/2020
(ii) Opening date and time of online application: 14/02/2020 at 10:00 hrs
(iii) Closing date and time of online application: 13/03/2020 at 18:30 hrs
(iv) Probable date of display of list of selected candidates 30/03/2020
Notification For 8981 APPRENTICES Recruitment Indian Railway 2020 (RRC)
Online Applications are invited from eligible candidates who are Indian Nationals for engagement / training as Act Apprentices under the Apprentices Act, 1961 and Apprenticeship Rules, 1992, as amended from time to time, in Workshops and Divisions of Eastern Railway. Applications must be submitted online and no other mode of submission of the same would be entertained.
- Selection will be on the basis of merit prepared in respect of all eligible candidates who apply
against the notification. - For the trades for which only class 10th pass is the minimum qualification, a separate merit list will
be drawn for candidates eligible taking the average of the percentage marks obtained by the
candidates in both matriculation (with minimum 50% (aggregate) marks) and ITI examination
giving equal weightage to both. In case of two candidates having the same marks, the candidate
having older age shall be preferred. In case the dates of birth are also same, the candidate who
passed the matriculation examination earlier shall be considered first. - For the trades for which class 8th pass is the minimum qualification, the merit list would be
prepared for all eligible candidates, including those having qualification of matriculation and who
opt for these trades, based on the average marks obtained both in class 8th standard and ITI
examination, as indicated in (a) above. In case of two candidates having the same marks, the
candidate having older age shall be preferred. In case the dates of birth are also same, the
candidate who passed the 8th class examination earlier shall be considered first.
Illustration of Para – (ii) & (iii) above :- If a candidate secured 80.58 % marks in Matriculation
examination and 91.68% marks in ITI, then marks considered for selection will be ½ [80.58 +
91.68] = 86.13. - Candidates enlisted as explained above will be called for Document Verification to the extent of
1.5 times the notified vacancies in the respective communities as per their merit order.
How to Apply to 8981 APPRENTICES Recruitment Indian Railway 2020 (RRC)
Application fees (non-refundable) is Rs.100/- (Rupees One hundred) only. No fee, however,
is to be paid by the SC/ST/PWBD/Women candidates).
The payment of fees will have to be made online through ‘Payment Gateway’ while filling up the
online Application Form. The payment can be made by using Debit Card / Credit Card / Internet
Banking etc. Transaction charges for online payment, if any, will be borne by the candidate. At
times, there may be server issues because of huge rush, which may affect the online payment
system. In such scenario, the candidate needs to login fresh and attempt again.
Vacancy Notification 8981 APPRENTICES Recruitment Indian Railway 2020 (RRC)
- The candidates are required to apply ONLINE by visiting the link provided on the Notice
Board of official website of RRC/ER (www.rrcer.com). They must go through the detailed
instructions before filling up the online applications. All relevant items must be carefully
filled up by the candidate himself. The particulars like the Name, Date of Birth, Father’s
name, etc. must be identical with the same what have been recorded in the Matriculation or
equivalent certificate. - The candidates should fill up the relevant columns regarding their community
(SC/ST/OBC/EWS) and physical disability. - Candidates have to apply for any one Unit only: There would be options for exercising
preference for training in the Training establishment as mentioned in para 2 above
depending on the disciplines/trades in which the candidate has obtained ITI qualification.
The candidates should carefully exercise their preferences for the same. However, the
allotment of the training establishment is strictly as per merit and available vacancies in
respective communities. - The candidates are advised to indicate their mobile numbers and valid e-mail IDs which
they need to be kept active during the entire process of selection, since communication for
further selection process will be made through these media.
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the vacancy notification
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