सेन्ट्रल रेलसाइड वेअरहाउस कंपनी लिमिटेड
Central Railside Warehouse Company Limited
(भारत सरकार का उद्यम)
(A Govt. of India Enterprise)
As part of its diversification activities, CWC developed a warehousing facility of Railway land along a Railway siding as a Pilot Project at Whitefield Goods Terminal at Bangalore after entering into an agreement with Indian Railway. This project started operation since February 2002 and resulted in attracting additional traffic to the Railways, improvement in customer service and an increase in the volumes of cargo handled by CWC. The success of this project led CWC to consider developing Railside Warehousing Complexes at other centers also throughout near identified Rail Terminals.
As part of its diversification activities, CWC developed a warehousing facility of Railway land along a Railway siding as a Pilot Project at Whitefield Goods Terminal at Bangalore after entering into an agreement with Indian Railway. This project started operation since February 2002 and resulted in attracting additional traffic to the Railways, improvement in customer service and an increase in the volumes of cargo handled by CWC. The success of this project led CWC to consider developing Railside Warehousing Complexes at other centers also throughout near identified Rail Terminals.
Ministry of Railway also in the meantime had identified land near various Railway Terminals for development of warehousing complexes with handling facilities in order to improve the utilization of the Railway facilities in the country and to give a boost to the transportation for meeting the logistics requirements of its customers with a view to improve the service.
Accordingly, a memorandum of understanding between the Ministry of Railways and Central Warehousing Corporation was signed on 20.12.2003 for development of warehousing complexes by CWC near 22 railway terminals to provide better service through total logistic solution to rail users, it was agreed that Railway administration will lease out land to CWC for said purpose.
To give a thrust to this line of activity it was decided to bring all the Railside Warehousing Complexes under the administrative control of a New Company which is to be a subsidiary company of CWC. Accordingly “Central Railside Warehouse Company Ltd” has been incorporated on 10.07.2007. Subsequently company received certificate of commencement of business under Section 149(3) of the Companies Act 1956 on 24.07.2007.
Central Railside Warehouse Company Ltd (CRWC), a Govt. Of India Enterprise is engaged in Planning, Development and Operation of Warehousing Complexes/Terminals/Multimodal Logistics Hubs across the Country. The Company promotes and provides rail based seamless supply chain management systems with the state-of-art warehousing facilities and transportation facilities of cargo.
CRWC is having 58 officials on its roll on regular basis as on 01.01.2018 in different professionals broadly in the field of HR, Finance, Engineering, IT, Logistics & Marketing etc. All professionals are selected through open competition on all India basis. Company conducts periodic training programmes for its regular and contract officials.
The company has formulated and implemented the policies like CRWC Service Rules, Recruitment Rules, Leave Rules, Travelling Allowance Rules, Leave Travel Concession Rules, Conduct, Discipline and Appeals Rules, Sexual Harassment, Child Care Leave Policy etc for the welfare of the employees.
CRWC also offer excellent social security in form of Provident Fund, Contributory Pension Scheme in accordance with the policies of the company from time to time. Company promotes a congenial environment for employee growth & development.
- To Plan, develop, promote, acquire and operate Railside Warehousing Complexes/Terminals/Multimodal Logistics Hubs on land leased from railways or acquired otherwise.
- To promote and provide seamless supply chain management systems rail based logistics in India and abroad.
- To carry on the business of Multimodal transport operations and aggregation/disaggregation of cargo both for domestic/Impex movement in India and abroad.
To provides state of the art warehousing facilities and competitive modes of handling and transportation facilities of Cargo