Central Railway – Doctor Recruitment in Pune

central-railway-LOGOIn terms of Railway Board’s letter dated 24.12.2020, on the above subject matter, CMPs are to be engaged. It is required that 05 posts of CMPs are to be kept filled to maintain effective strength of doctors. Hence, Walk-in-interviews/Online video call interviews will be held to engage CMPs from open market on full time contract basis who fulfils the eligibility criteria specified below for a period from the date of their joining or till 30.06.2021.

The engagement will be offered purely on contract basis for a period from the date of their joining or till 30.06.2021. Preference will be given to those, who can join immediately to Divisional Railway Hospital Pune. The Notification is valid till 31.05.2021 up to 18.00 hours. Candidates may apply and send their applications through this ofice mail id i.e. admnpersonnelpa@gmail.com along with scanned copies of the documents/certificates up to 31.05.2021, 18.00 hours.

Notification For Central Railway – Doctor Recruitment in Pune

Applications received after due date will not be considered. Scrutiny of the applications will be done on weekly basis or as per the urgency/ requirement. Eligible candidates will be interviewed by the nominated committee through online mode through Whatsapp on weekly basis or as per the urgency/requirement. {A} Vacancies Total vacancies notified are 05, which will be filled from Open Market.

Division Requirement – Divisional Railway Hospital,Pune

How to Apply to Central Railway – Doctor Recruitment in Pune

a. Since the posts are over and above the sanctioned cadre due to the exigencies on temporary measure, no prescribed community distribution (SC/ST/OBC/EWS) is applicable. However, age relaxation will be given to candidates belonging to SC/ST/0BC/PwBD etc category as per extant rules. Age will be reckoned as on the date of notification.

b. The vacancy is provisional and may increase or decrease as per administrative necessity. There may be ‘wait-listed/stand-by’ candidates against the notified panel/ select list who may be engaged as per necessity.

Vacancy Notification Central Railway – Doctor Recruitment in Pune

Note: Number of posts and locations are subjected to change. Offer will be on the basis of vacancies available at the time of engagement

1.Posts indicated herein may be kept unfilled at the discretion-of administration.

2.Contract can be terminated by the Railway at any time during thecontract period by giving 15 days’ notice without assigning any reason as per the terms and conditions laid down vide Railway Boards letter No. 96/E(GR) II/9/16 dated 23/02/2000 & No. 2008/E(GR) I1/1/1 dated 16/07/2012, 28/03/2020 and 31/03/2020.

3.CMP’s doctors ,who enter into contract with the railways will not Ihave any claim or right for his/her continuity in service or automatic extension ofthe term of contract. Services rendered as fulltime contract Doctors will not have any bearing in respect of considering of their period in regular selection through UPSC, RRB, RRC nor will it confer upon them any right for regulations or absorption.

4.Eligible SC/ST/OBC/EWS candidates may apply along with caste certificate/necessary certificate for age relaxation as per extent ruleswill be allowed to them.

5.Shortlisted staff will have to pass the prescribed medical examination. 6 Appointed doctors should work in all areas of hospital including fever clinic, CcovID isolation ward, Railway quarantine beds.

Educational/Professional qualifications for CMP.

1. Degree in medicine i.e. MBBS (Recognized by MCI included in the first or second schedule or part eleven of the third schedule (other than the licentiate qualifications to the Indian Medical Council Act 1956.) holders of educational Qualification in part II of the third schedule should also fulfill the condition stipulated in section 13 (3) of the Indian Medical Council Act 1956.)

2. Candidates should have satisfactorily completed the compulsory rotating internship.

  • Doctors serving under State/Central Govt/ Publicsector undertaking etc may apply with NOC from the respective organization.
  • Doctors while applying should indicate past service rendered, ifany including the period of contract put in by them on all over Indian Railways.
  • Those fulfilling the above conditions may apply on this office mail id i.e. admnpersonnelpa@gmail.com along with scanned copies of the documents/certificates for online interview on WhatsApp recorded conference call on weekly basis.

1. Walk-in interview is replaced by Whats App recorded conference call from a designated number.

2. Applicants will fill up their applications in the prescribed format along with scanned copies of your documents/ certificates

3. Original document verification of only selected candidates will be doneat the time of joining and in case of doubt the next candidate in the waiting list will be called for joining.

4. No accommodation/Pass/PTO will be provided. This is purely a temporary measure and after 30.06.2021 the status quo ante will be restored with regard to total strength and delegation of power unless extended by further orders.

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