Centre for Railways Information Systems (CRIS)
Centre for Railways Information Systems (CRIS) is an organization that is working under ministry of railways. This organization has been conceived for the purpose of analyzing Freight Operations Information Systems with railways. There are few project groups under this organization and they are named as Fois, Prs, Uts, Icms, Oaew, Satsang, Network Group, Project I, Project II, Project III, Project IVand Project V. This organization also provides training for the eligible candidates, details of which are provided at the web portal of this organization. Web services offered are listed as Trans Enquiry, IT project status, online ticketing, rail enquiry, EC ICT for IR, and others.

About CRIS
Centre for Railways Information SystemsIn 1982,Government conceived a project for analysing a Freight Operations Information Systems(FOIS)with Railways Subsequently in 1986,Ministry of Railways established the CENTRE FOR RAILWAY INFORMATION SYSTEMS (CRIS), Chanakya Puri, New Delhi – 21 to be an umbrella organisation for all computer activities on Indian Railways (IR).They also entrusted it with the task of design, development and implementation of the FOIS, alongwith its associated communications infrastructure. The Centre started functioning from July,1987.It is a registered society having an autonomous status and headed by Managing Director .CRIS is mainly a project oriented organisation engaged in development of major computer systems on the Railways. Our presence across the country gives us global reach and a vast rollout support capability. Together with our formidable team of high-caliber software professionals we have successfully positioned ourselves at the vanguard of the global IT service s revolution. With such a rich practical experience, a dedicated team of professionals and its own R&D effort, CRIS aims to be a leader in this fast developing field. CRIS provides consulting and IT services to Indian Railways – as partners to conceptualize and realize technology driven business transformation initiatives. With over 200 employees nationwide, we use a low-risk Delivery Model to accelerate schedules with a high degree of time and cost predictability. We provide solutions for a dynamic environment where business and technology strategies converge.

Our approach focuses on new ways of business combining IT innovation and adoption while also leveraging an organization’s current IT assets. We work with Indian Railways to build new products or services and to implement prudent business and technology strategies in today’s dynamic digital environment.

Career in CRIS
Centre for Railway Information Systems (CRIS), an autonomous organization of the Ministry of Railways, is the IT wing of the Indian Railways with state-of-the-art infrastructure at New Delhi and having regional data centers at New Delhi, Mumbai, Chennai, Secunderabad, Kolkata, Patna and Gorakhpur. CRIS is engaged in the development, implementation and maintenance of many major computer applications, including the renowned computerized Passenger Reservation System(PRS) and Freight Operations System(FOIS) of Indian Railways.

At CRIS, a technology oriented organization, we offer a full-fledged career-growing path. A myriad variety of projects provide the individuals with the proper challenges to grow professionally. Towards this end, we provide with superior training and the opportunity to work in challenging software projects architectures, designed based on CASE tools, development of highly scalable and fault tolerant (24X7) OLTP, Business Intelligence and Data Ware housing, E-commerce, Embedded, Mobile applications, Infrastructure Management with pre-defined Uptime SLAs (Service Level Agreements) and service practices on the latest technology platforms like Solaris, AIX, Linux, Open VMS, Microsoft Windows, J2EE, C++, .NET, Rational suite, middle wares like HP-RTR, BEA Tuxedo, RDBMS-SYBASE/ORACLE/SQL/SYBASE ASA/ Ultralite server, Application servers, Automated testing tools like Rational Robot, Checkpoint Firewalls and VPNs.

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