In Railways the recruitment process interviews are usually held for selecting candidates to most posts. They consider the marks secured in the written exam for short listing the students for the next rounds. So the applicants should take the written exam seriously. Your chances of getting the job depend on your performance in the written test.

The written examination usually consists of only multiple choice questions. The evaluation is usually automatic and done by a computer. So you shouldn’t expect it to have the intelligence to figure out what you had in mind. So mark the answers properly. The syllabus of the examination corresponds to the educational qualification specified for the post.

There will be questions that test your logical reasoning ability, scientific and general awareness and language skills (English or Hindi). Before you start answering the questions, read the instructions on the question booklet and the answer sheet carefully.

Applicants are required to fill up a declaration form in the question paper booklet. Failure to fill up the declaration form will result in the disqualification of an applicant.

Follow the instructions carefully while attending Railway exam. If you are asked to mark the answers using a ball point pen, you shall not use an ink pen. Similarly if you are asked to mark the answers using a pencil, you are not supposed to use a pen.

Don’t forget to enter the question paper booklet code and your roll number in the corresponding boxes in the answer sheet. You will also need to shade the corresponding ellipses in the answer sheet. Answer sheets that do not have the roll number and question booklet code will not be evaluated.

Each question will have only one correct answer. If more than one answer appears to be correct choose the most appropriate answer. Read the instructions in the question booklet to see whether wrong answers attract negative marks. Avoid guess work if there is negative marking.

You may not be able to alter an answer you entered. So be careful while answering.

All selected candidates will be subjected to medical examination by Railway Medical Authority at the time of appointment and only those conforming to the medical standards as laid down in the Indian Railway Medical Manual and other extant provisions, as the case may be, will be eligible for appointment. Selection does not imply appointment in Railways.

For vacancies reserved for Ex-servicemen, an Ex-serviceman with 15 years active service in the armed forces with matriculation will be considered eligible to apply for the posts for which the minimum qualification is a University Degree provided the relevant certificate issued by the military authority is attached with the application.

English Hindi Urdu